Celebrating My Failure

A few days after Valentine's Day, I lost my keys.
All of them.
My dorm, car, bike, computer, you name it I lost it. It's definitely somewhere around my dorm, but I tore up my room and the common area looking for them. I asked everyone I could to be on the lookout.
Well, now it's April, and my keys are still gone. And I'm going to have to pay to replace all of them.
I did learn something. My replacement keys are now on a lanyard so they are harder to misplace. I also learned that I really need to clean my room more often.
Most of the time, I could handle failing better. I focus on the problem instead of working to find a solution, but when the solution arises, it's a step in the right direction, like my keys being on a lanyard. No matter what, I definitely take time to reflect on my failures and learn from them. This class with the interviews has helped me with taking risks. I constantly have to rewrite questions when they don't work and change my approach when talking to others. I'm more encouraged to create new things from this class though, one hundred percent.


  1. Julia, I enjoyed reading your post. I remember in my freshman year when I lost my wallet and how devastating it was. Replacing and cancelling all of my cards was such a headache and I had a decent chunk of money in it. If you have any of my luck, as soon as you replace all of your keys you wild find your old ones. I don't wish that on you by any means but that always happens to me. Hope you figure it out!

  2. Hey Julia,

    Really enjoyed reading your post about a time where things just didn't go well for you. I can relate to a lot of the things that happened to you. There are a lot of times where no matter what you do you can't get things to go your way. But from these experiences we learn the most. Make sure you reflect on times like these to make sure you grow as much as possible.

  3. Julia,
    I enjoyed reading about this experience. I can definitely relate and have had things like this happen to me. Great job displaying your response to the failure. I think it's important to learn how to respond to failure positively in order to be successful. Great post!


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