Buyer Behavior #2

Again, I interviewed three more mothers with young children. These interviews did not provide me with as much information as the last set, but nonetheless, I did glean some information:
1) All three of these mothers do extensive research before they buy any cleaning product whatsoever. They go online for recommendations; one mother would even scroll through Amazon reviews on a brand. 
2) These women were all satisfied with what they have, cleaning-wise.
3) When they did go shopping for these products however, price and quality were the top two characteristics they would look for.
4) A resounding problem they all had was the amount of times they'd have to clean and that it would never stay clean for very long afterwards.
5) If the product is not to their liking, they simply return it and get something else.

In the future, I need to get more than three interview participants in order to get a solid picture of what my market requires. It was much easier with five, but three I feel is very subjective. So far, mothers in general don't do a lot of innovating for their problem, they simply ignore it or give it up entirely. This is good because it means they'll buy an entirely new product instead of fixing what they have, but since they don't recognize their need very much, they might not go out and buy my product in the first place. There still is hope for this product in my chosen sector of mothers if I can convince them that they really do need this duster.


  1. Hey Julia,

    This is a great analysis of the market that your potential product would be in. There is a lot of pre purchase decision making that goes into the things that mothers buy. They are interested in quality and the kind of deal that they would be getting compared to other products. Keep up with the interviews because they are the best way to learn how to approach your respective market.

  2. Julia,

    I admired how critical you were of your interview process and analytical you were when looking for solutions to your problems. Adding numbers to your interviewee pool is always a good idea in my opinion because the more insight you have on your market the better. I also found it funny that you mentioned that you had the solution to the problem that they didn't even know they had. It is true that a lot of people are unaware that they could be living easier lives. Great work.

  3. Julia, I really like how you are constantly finding solutions to everything to perfect your product as much as possible. Your interviews and descriptions are very thorough, and it clearly shows you how determined you are. I honestly really like your product, and although you may have spoken to some people who do not feel affected by wet and dirty bathrooms, but your product will make their lives so much easier that eventually people won’t be able to live without. Great job!


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