Customer Avatar
is a 40-year-old woman with at least 2-3 children between the ages of 0-12, if
not more. Most likely, she grew up in the Midwest and was one of those people
had dreamed about her future domestic life from a young age. She’s working some
side job that requires her to be out of the house at least once a week, but her
main job is being a mom and she loves it. On the weekends, she likes to bake
cookies and go dancing (if her husband feels up to it that night). Dancing
makes her feel young again. Her car is a black minivan (doesn’t show dirt) with
copious cupholders and manual doors with some bumper stickers about her kids,
like those “My child is an honor student” ones. She doesn’t really get a lot of
time to herself, which makes her sad. A lot of the world is slipping by her, so
her favorite TV shows are ones that she grew up on (depends on the mom’s age,
but could include Happy Days, The Addams Family, and other shows of the like)
and as far as books? Well, she now mainly previews chapter books for all of her
kids to read, but when she reads for herself, she likes those cheesy romance
novels, like the Amish love stories that all have the same formula. She reads
these in bed after her husband has gone to sleep. Ronald Reagan and George Bush
the second were the greatest presidents of all time, or so she’s grown up with.
She’s not really into politics, so she doesn’t have strong opinions either way.
She went to her local state university and majored in something relating to
English or Literature.
I was raised by someone similar to this woman. She shaped me
and made me who I am today through her practices and beliefs. It’s not a
coincidence because as I said, she has passed down some of the things that she
assumes and believes. It’s natural for this to happen because most of the time,
moms are instrumental in shaping one’s early values.
Julia, I truly enjoyed reading your description of your avatar. You described everything so thoroughly and in so much detail, you brought the avatar to life! I really like how you mentioned the TV shows she watches and even describing her thoughts and her day to day activities. Overall, you did such a great job and I myself was raised by a woman very similar to your avatar!